The One Who Falls…

2 min readMay 1, 2022

They say the one who falls and gets back up is stronger than one who has never fallen. I struggled with understanding this in my youth because I was raised to believe that not making a mistake or taking a misstep to begin with was a sign of perfection or strength. Life has taught me that there is no perfection. Time has shown me that the wisdom behind successful people who seem to move so smoothly through life is actually built on thousands of mistakes and the adjustments they learned to make from said mistakes.

I restarted my journey this year with the hope that I could set a new beginning and take off with new habits in place and somehow everything would fall into place. Once again, life had a lesson in mind for me. One I’d seen back in 2017 but had somehow forgotten as I let the details of life clutter my mind.

Thank you Universal Consciousness 1111

The rollercoaster of this past month reshuffled my cards and I was reminded to find my peace first. I didn’t realize how much energy I was hemorrhaging until the Universe made me so uncomfortable I had no choice but to change. It’s fascinating how much you can’t grow when you are busy just trying to survive. Resources constantly diverted to putting out fires cannot be used to reinforce, protect, or enhance and it didn’t really dawn on me until the cause of all my emergencies was removed from my environment.

Suddenly, there was space to think, reflect, adjust and adapt. My nervous system was allowed to settle from a constant state of panic. Sure the grief set in to acknowledge what had been and what was no longer but I now had the space to feel all that I had been choking down in order to manage every calamity. I am still amazed. I provide a safe space for people to land, gather themselves and think through what they need next and the Universe did the same for me. My resources were freed up and I had space to invite new opportunity and the energy to show up again.

My ego no longer needed to control or fear anything and was able to step back. I’m back listening to my intuition and allowing my peace to attract what is necessary for the next level of my life. I may have been down, but don’t count me out yet!

Love always




I teach people the logic behind their emotions.